Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Shout Out Social 2009

I've finally (and quietly) launched the next creative project for this Opportunity Australia project.
You can find more details on the Facebook Fanpage or by reading these slides

or by simply adding a shout out image to the Shout Out Social Flickr group. Just add a 'shouting out' image (use your webcam and shout into if you have to!) and a word of inspiration on the picture eg 'hope' 'opportunity'. Easy, right?

Ideally I'd like to have a few more things in place - but I'm glad I've made a start. Now it's just a matter of finding people to add their Shout Outs. Oh, and please remember to donate - just $5 or $10 via paypal makes a huge difference to reaching this goal. We're 10% of the way there...